


The Eliya Kinderheim e. V. is building a children's home in Tagalle, Sri Lanka. We support them by performing at charity events like "fealla-dhà and friends" in October 2009.

Our friends of the Eirisch Koffie Bänt from Mannheim play great Irish tunes - dancing is so much more fun with live music!

Our shows with Reel Wood also have been a lot of fun, for example at the Glashaus in Ladenburg.

We celebrated St Patrick's Day 2016 with Ceili Celtic Music. We are looking forward to our next show together!

The Bottled Spirits also hail from Mannheim. We first met them at the Irish Night in Ladenburg in 2010, and we look very forward to our next meeting!

The Cottage in Kaiserslautern offers a different kind of "bottled spirits": a great selection of Irish and Scottish whisky. You'll also find clothing, presents, and various specialties.

If you're interested in Celtic culture, you should check the courses and seminars at the Proitzer Mühle. We learned a lot at the classes there, and it was great fun too.

Copyright © 2015 Fealla-dhà - Impressum. Fealla-dhà logo by Mario Gil.